Adventures are generated every day automatically, you cannot do anything to get more adventures faster.
First 10 adventures at the begining of the every server:
The loot is same for everybody, only the order is different. The last adventure does not give you anything.
To complete the daily task is needed to save only 1 adventure untill finishing the task. Personally I everytime I save only one adventure to be able to finish the daily tasks.
In first 2 days of the world you will receive 3 adventure.
Until day 16 the game will give you 2 adventures per day. From 16 to 63 you will receive 1.5 adventures per day, which is equivalent 3 adventures per 2 days.
After day 63, adventures are decreased to 1 per day.
Adventures gives you different type of loot.
Loot can be silver, resources, items.
The items are connected to you tribe, they are in 3 tiers. From small to large.
Tier 1 ( I ) can be looted until day 70 of the server.
Tier 2 ( II ) can be looted from day 70 to day 140.
Tier 3 (III) can be looted since day 140 till the end of world
Important thing from the game mechanics:
The loot is predefined by the game day, that mean if you keep adventures from day 1 and complete it at day 143, you will receive that type of loot that is available at day 1.
So my advice is to not keep the adventures from passed days.